Sunday, October 19, 2008


If I am being honest I don't know who loved the NUK more, Saylor or me. Saylor loved naps and bedtime because she only got her pacifier at these times, and consequently I loved the pacifier. My plan was to get rid of the Binkie before Saylor turned 3 at the end of November, but it was really hard to bite the bullet and do it. Saturday morning we were sitting down to pumpkin pancakes and Saylor was laughing about something and Snow noticed that her front tooth was started to jut out (presumably do to sucking on the pacifier). Right then and there Snow said no more NUK. I had been planning a binkie send off for some time and Saturday ended up being the day. First Saylor helped me find all the binkies and put them in a bowl. We then went to a store and she picked out her favorite colors of helium balloons. Finally we went to a toy store and Saylor got to pick out a small toy that she would get to open after we got rid of the binkies. Saylor "helped" me tie the pacies to balloons and then I told her that she was a big girl and the babies in heaven needed her binkies because they were still babies.. Saylor was so excited to make the babies Happy so she let the ballons fly. We let her open her toy and take it to bed as it was nap time. This first nap went pretty smoothly, but ever since it has been tricky. She remembers that she gave all the binkies to the babies, but that doesn't stop her from crying and saying "I miss my nukie." I think we are over the worst. I am very proud and a little sad that my little girl is growing up!


Sarah said...

That is the cutest idea I've heard to get rid of them! She's a big girl now.

Jan Scarpino said...

I love your creativity! You always know just what to do, you're the best mommy ever.. Love you!

Ty, Whit & Bree said...

That is a darling idea. Letting her be the one to get rid of them. I hope she is doing ok now.

BBB said...

Okay, this is hilarious!
Abby only takes her binkie at her night bedtime and even then it's a struggle to get her to take it and sometimes she just doesn't. Either way, Amber would be proud of your rec. therapy activity that you did with Saylor. :)

Laura said...

Ummm, yeah~ Collette still has hers :( The pacifier fairy is coming to our house as soon as we get home to Boulder on Sunday. We've talked about it all week and I hope she's finally ready. I'm not. I told myself that I would take it when she was 2 like Abigail. She's now 3 1/2!!! I have to buck up and do it :)