Monday, January 28, 2008

Winter Weather Blues

I am really tired of this cold weather. We were definitely spoiled by the Old Pueblo climate, I don't know how I grew up here. The worst of it is trying to keep a 2-year-old entertained. At first Saylor was intrigued. She didn't know what to make of all this cold white stuff. I couldn't wait to build a snowman with her. I got her all bundled up and she set one foot in the snow and cried "stuck, stuck, I stuck mommy." She spent the rest of the time watching me build the snowman from the safety of our covered patio. In fact, her favorite part of the whole episode was eating the snowman's face. She also enjoys helping me shovel the driveway. Her tool of choice--a kitchen spoon. Most of the time, however, we are stuck indoors. I have tried to come up with fun things to do: finger paint with shaving cream, all kinds of balloon games...but my greatest success was turning a huge furniture box into a "house" for her and letting her color it. She still likes to color the house all the time, but to be frank, there is no more scribble space. I would love to hear any suggestions you have to keep the kiddies entertained while we are all sequestered indoors!!!!


Sunny said...

I'm so glad you've returned to the blog. I've missed you! I love the bottom picture of Saylor popping her head through the window. She is so cute. As for cold weather ideas - you've got me there. We spend most of the time outside:)

Ashley said...

I never knew winters were so bad until I had kids! I think I'm going more crazy than my kids. Where did you get that furniture box? I remember doing that as a kid and loved it. I'm sure Olivia would love it too seeing as I have to make forts with her everyday now! But a permanent fort would be awesome!!

Laura said...

I'm with ya, Summer! And I've grown up in California and then spent 4 years in Tucson. Moving to Boulder is a whole new experience--especially with kids. It's much easier when they have a sibling. I just make them entertain each other :) I spend a lot of time with playdates and indoor malls. Good luck!

Real Life Roberts said...

I love the "play house idea". As far as indoor ideas I'm constantly thinking up and welcoming ideas. The main idea I have is always be ready to give them something to do (in the back of your mind). Some things are: playdo, coloring, painting, beads, oooking, pretend store playing, puzzles, books, movies, computer games (for web sites email me), library story time, play dates at homes or malls or indoor playplaces, parachute & balls (with towels) games, board games, puppet shows, tents/forts, teas/lemonade parties, workbooks, cleaning! Connor loves to wal around with the feather duster to help while I'm cleaning. We turn up music and dance while working.